
Auntie I LLC., children’s books and music was founded by Ithream Auntie I Blackmon on the fundamental belief that children are emerging leaders. Planting good seeds in their lives and nurturing their greatness will lead them to paths of success.

Auntie I released her debut book Sydney’s First Piggy Bank, an intro to saving money, in 2017. Since its release a the book series followed on financial literacy for early age children. Saving and earning money is not a novel idea but a good lesson to learn. May the whimsical stories and songs serve as a learning tool as well as a fun-filled time for all. 

Book series: Sydney’s First Piggy Bank (1)

Sydney & Piper Learning Together (2)

Sydney & Piper Learning to Earn (3)

Sydney and Piper’s Coat Check Stand (4)

Sydney & Piper’s Bank Road Trip (5)

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